I was told that some people who weren't even meant felt very irritated about the thing I posted. So I am rewriting it to make clearer what was meant:
I was going through a phase which wasn't very nice. I guess the change & everything that happened in my little big life scared me a little. My best friend was moving abroad which left me devistated & also because I was so miserable, the contact to people who were close to me broke a little. I didn't really want anybody to see me like that. Hey, I'm only human after all.
After a huge fight, discussion, etc, we finally worked things out. I believe best friends shouldn't stab each others backs. It's better to face the person although it's hard. If it's hard to face a person I guess you deep inside know all of your silly beliefs are wrong. If you're really mad & have the facts you tell the person right away. If it's one thing I learned then to be direct about yourself. And especially not writing a blog out of anger, it all comes back to you from people who weren't even meant!
It's 2011 people. It's the year of renewing. I guess we all go through our own little transistions but things like that go by :) "The Dog Days Are Over" because I found my way through the darkness of misery back to my positive state. I am happy to, although it was hard at times, leave back old emotions & beliefs & find back to my true self. Being renewed & happier than before.
ich hab den vorigen post leider nicht gelesen, aber diesen find ich sehr gelungen.. gut gemacht :D <3