Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Littletips - How to be a good (best) friend

1. Be the friend you wish for yourself
Would you like to be friends with yourself? This is the first question to ask yourself if you would like to find out whether you are a good friend or not. If there are some points you wouldn't welcome in a friendship with yourself then maybe think those over and wonder what you could change in order to improve. You can also apply this simple little technique to other relationships in your life and offers a fantastic insight to your social life. Always be the friend you would like for yourself.

2. Compliment more than criticize
Don't you just love those people who criticize you all day and even if they find something good to say about you they again find something negative about it? No. Me neither. If you happen to be a little to critical maybe keep some of your viewpoints to yourself and accept your friend the way they are. Try to find things about them you like and point those out rather than the superficial once that simple make them who they are. Even if you are not critical at all try and be a little more complimentary (in an honest way) and tell your friend if you like their hair or maybe praise them for something they did well that day. Appreciation is one of the most important key points to show someone you care about them.

3. Be grateful & trustworthy
Thank your friend for little efforts and if they complement you don't negate it. This point goes well in hand with the previous one because gratitude shows your appreciation towards your friends for their effort they put into your friendship. Show them that you are grateful that they are in your life. This also means to be trustworthy. NEVER share their secrets with others or talk behind their backs, even if it's just for being an entertainer. People who trust you enough to tell you their most intimate stories expect them to be in save hands. Once broken their trust it's almost impossible to gain it back.

4. Make some space
Try and make space in your day for your friends, even if it's just one or two hours for a cup of frozen yogurt and a chat. If you are really busy write a text message or call them to show you care they are alright and what they are up to. There is always time to care for your friends and if they are good ones they will respect you only have little time on your hands but appreciate that you took at least two hours only to be with them. Also even if your boy- or girlfriend is important never put them on a pedestal. They may be your significant other, but your friends and family are important too.

5. Choose your friends wisely
Don't be friends with people you can't stand. I guess everyone has had that one friend they didn't really like but still spent a lot of time with them not knowing why they even put up with them. Do yourself and the other person, who may feel completely different about you, a favour and don't be too tight with them. At the end they just end up hurt or you end up being annoyed with completely harmless phone calls and messages. Also only surround yourself with friends who are trustworthy. If people talk behind your back, criticize you all the time or are annoyed over the littlest things end it. Quitting a friendship is like a breakup but it's sometimes the best for you.

6. Little kindness goes a long way
Doing your best is always a good choice, but with friends it's just so much more worth it. If you have a great circle of close friends it can be a great support for your daily life. It's always good to know there are people who will have your back when you need someone to catch your fall, someone you can call in the middle of the night and who will drive across the city only to be there for you and give you a good time. So be kind. Love your friends and show them your respect, while separating out every once in a while. My best example for a good friend is of course my best friend. She always does all those little acts of kindness which show me she thought of me and cares for me. When she sees something we talked about earlier like a product I thought of buying for example she would immediately text me when she saw that mascara on discount in a shop. Little acts of kindness as such show me that she listens to me and cares and reminds me with that why she is my best friend.

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