Montag, 23. Juni 2014

Studying Hacks - Personal Tipps & Tricks to survive exams

I love being a student at university. And as crazy as it may sound... I like exams. Yes you heard me right. Call me a nerd but there is something fun about sitting down with markers, a nice cup of tea and spending hours with expanding my knowledge. I seem to get a strange kick out of it ~ and the best part of studying well is always being rewarded with a good grade! As it is exam week at the moment I thought would be a good time to share my personal studying tips with you!

Find your personal pace: Sure it might sound productive to sit down for 6 hours straight and cram everything into your brain. But your brain has it’s own pace and will probably not play along (Cramming is never a good idea anyways). So give yourself portions of information each day and increase as you notice that studying at that pace gets easier. Listen to yourself and stop when you can't seem to retain information any longer. In time your capacity will increase and your brain will start to retain more. Which immediately brings me to the next point.

Time management: I can’t stress this one enough! Your brain needs a certain amount of time and repetition  to retain information, so time management is one of the most important factors when it comes to studying. Not only will it reduce your stress levels, it will also increase your success rates. Portion your studying material and put it into a suitable time window. I foor example study best at night for 3 hours straight, but if a party or social event comes up I study 4 hours straight during the day with short breaks inbetween to keep myself motivated. Can you think of that one person who never seems stressed out before exams and still end up with good grades? They probably studied well in advance and left space for activities instead of cramming everything into their brains the night before and ended up with 4 hours of sleep. It might save you from failing but it’s not the way. (Trust me. I’ve been there and it wasn't pretty when I received the exam back.)

Make space for FUN: I strongly believe in the power of FUN! If what you study is absolutely no fun at all, the chance that you will stay motivated for a long time are low. So make sure to make time for some mood-lifters. If your time management is well thought out, you still have time for activites. No matter how big the exam if my time management is sufficient I will still make time in the week for activities to stay motivated the next day (even if my staying time will be restricted).Listen to your favourite songs inbetween studying breaks, dance along, talk to a friend, but always keep in mind – time management is key!
Make it enjoyable: Buy nice colourful pencils, be creative with your notes, find cute stickers, buy nice notebooks. Your studying location could be a lovely place in the sun by a lake or simply in a nice coffee shop. Grab yourself a nice beverage, wear something comfortable and the studying process will be all the more enjoyable. Fresh air/Good light are major helpers when it comes to your studying environment.

Turn your mindset around: First of all, stop complaining about the work load. Feeling sorry for yourself won’t get you better grades. Instead, try to find a goal to work towards. My personal goal is an exchange semester at Yonsei University in Seoul. I need excellent grades for the scholarship, so I do the best I possibly can and aim for A’s and B’s instead of the common “I just need to pass”. Keeping this phrase in your head will automatically have you aim for one point above failure. Channel your inner Hermione Granger (It's Levi-O-sa not Levios-Ah). Set your aims high and you will aim for success instead of failure. Even if it's just to look as lovely and proud at your graduation as Emma Watson did.

Be nice to yourself: It might get tough but stay positive. Believe in yourself and know that you are so much smarter than you think you are. Studying can feel overwhelming but then breathe and know that it is a process. You are never too stupid. Knowledge is not so much dependent of your IQ, it’s all about interest, ambition and effort. So if you do your best and stay positive you can achieve anything you want – you just have to really, really, really want it!

Hopefully I got you a little motivated for your upcoming exams. Stay positives my loves and I wish you all the best success for your exams!! 화이팅!!

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