Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013


Milleneufcentquatrevingtquatre – or 1984 (for those who don't like to fuss around), is the tongue-twisting name of a French designer label, which specializes in scarfs. Designer duo Amelie Charroin and Marie Colin-Mandan, stole many hearts with their individual designs and eventually, they have also stolen mine.

Now, what's so special about these scarvess, you may ask? The wonderful thing about these scarves meets the eye once you unfold them. Each and every model is a very unique work of contemporary art, which when being draped blends into a elegant play of colour and pattern. Whether pastel or bold shades, the nuances always resulting as very feminine and soft. Also the art itself is remarkable. You'd nearly want to frame them and hang them up in your living room - but I guess in the end they are too pretty not to wear.

With prices between 140 € and 230 € (depends on the retailer) - the scarves are on the more expensive side. Still, thank's to their charm and beauty though, they make a wonderful accessoire which has defenitely made it on my personal wish-list.

For more information visit:

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