Freitag, 2. September 2011

Classy Basics 101 - The Break the bank (but love forever) bag

Women love bags and purses in general. But there are several bags that grow to our heart and become our absolute favourites over the years. Those are often the most expensive ones. Whether we scrimped and saved every penny for it for weeks or we indulged ourselves for something great we did, no matter how we got the money for it, we will never forget this one bag because it has a certain sentiment attachted to it. It is so beautifully expensive and unlike all the other bags, happens to go with everything we wear. For many, it's the first spendy bag bought with their first income, which is some kind of a statement for adulthood to many. That's why we will always love and never forget this bag or similar bags. Like the first pay-raise-bag, the friends-laid-together-to-buy-it-bag or the husband/partner-happens-to-have-a-new-credit-card-bag. Those bags are dear to us because they are something special and therefore classy sentimental basics!

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