Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011
BeautyLove - Garnier Pure 1 in 3 Wash-Scrub-Mask
Now clear the ways for this awesome product! Well that's what it is - awesome!! Now this is a product I am so happy to review because it really surprised me! Being usually a Neutrogena girl, but kind of disappointed lately by how they don't help me anymore as they used to do, I thought about moving on to something different. When I was fourteen I used to use a lot of Garnier products, so I thought 'Why not go back to them?' So I purchased the Garnier Pure 1 in 3 Wash-Scrub-Mask. The name tells that you can use it as a facial wash, a scrub or a mask.
I found the thought of having three products combined in one amazing, being the practical person that I am, and purchased it for around 11$ (7€). Also I really like the ingredients of this. It combines like white clay, zinc and pumice. When sniffing from the bottle I definately can smell cucumber so I think they put that in there too somehow.
Now what's awesome about this product is that it smells good, feels good and it works wonders! When putting it onto your skin you can already feel a cleansing effect. After washing it off your skin just feels so firm and circulated. Besides it leaves your skin looking radiant and healthy! What more can you wish for? Oh yeah. It really makes your skin look so much better the more you use it. Using it for about a week now, people have complimented me already not directly on my skin but how radiant and healthy I looked. Also my blemishes decreased and my blackheads also start to vanish. Isn't that amazing??
So I really recommend this to everyone! It's definitely worth the price and did I mention it is awesome? :)
xo Cory
Montag, 27. Juni 2011
HealthyLove - Going Raw!! & its benefits :)
Last January when I was stuck at Gatwick airport in London, I met this girl named Britanny. We talked about all different things in life and when we went food shopping she told me she was rawtarian. For those who don't know what that is. Rawtarians only eat raw foods (Nuts, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy). Now for one and a half years I couldn't really imagine why one would want to eat only raw foods. But last summer I totally changed my nutrition to the better. I didn't go raw, but really ate only healthy foods and barely any wheaty, fatty or sugary foods.Now it's summer again and during the past several days the thought of going raw came to my mind. I also heard it everywhere (I got almost paranoid ;). I really believe that if one thing crosses your way more than three times it's lifes way to tell you "Try that" or "Get that!"
So I surfed the web to gather some information about "going raw" and came across many reasons why eating raw is good for you:
1. Foods are still "alive"
When cooked or grilled most of the nutriens get lost and the food is basically dead. Most of the foods get so overheated that they are nothing more but liveless cellulose.
2. Enzymes
Also natural enzymes which are good for your blood and digestion get lost when heated and processed too much.
3. High Energy
Eating raw foods will boost your energy level incredibly. In fact you won't feel so tired, more active and a live and getting through the day will be no torture anymore.
4. Better sleep, better mornings
When eating only raw foods, your body isn't so busy with digesting all the stuff you ate before. It feels lightweight and relaxed, therefore you are autimatically going to sleep better. Also you are going to wake up full of energy as your body wasn't busy with working off unhealthy fats and sugars like it usually was.
5. You can eat as much as you want
Even if you ate 5 watermelons you won't gain any weight. You can eat as much as you want without being scared of extra pounds. There are no fats, sugars or toxines that will make you put them on. Frutis are naturally sweets and sooo delicious. Even after filling your tummy you won't feel tired or done, in fact you will feel energized and notice how happy your body is to receive so many great nutrients.
6. Beautiful, Glowing Appearance
Life, weather, stress, unbalanced emotions, and toxicities found in cooked foods all add to a worn and aging appearance. Consuming raw foods counterbalances these adverse effects and allowing the body to release its natural glow. Why spend thousands of dollars a year on lotions and potions that promise to keep you beautiful when you can nourish your beauty from the inside out with a raw diet.
7. Weight loss
After you detoxed your body and only nuture your body perfectly healthy foods. Your body of course changes with that new diet. Also your motivation increases that's why excersising is way more fun than it was before.
Going raw is a complete challenge for me for like so many I am used to cooked foods. On one hand why not? Eating raw is probably the easiest way of getting your meal together. The most effort probably lies in cutting or mixing the goods. Also there is a great variety of recipes from shakes and smoothies up to a great variety of salads and dips. Like with every radical change in nutrition I believe that this one is a step by step process. This is why I for me am not going to go completely raw for now but will eat more raw than cooked to see how my body reacts on it. If it reacts well I may play with the thought of going completely raw. There are still foods though which I don't want to eat completely raw like Sweet potato which is so great in fibre, Tofu and Rice aswell as green beans. Whole grain bread will be in the diet too. I will see how that works for me and of course report you on how everything goes :)
So I surfed the web to gather some information about "going raw" and came across many reasons why eating raw is good for you:
1. Foods are still "alive"
When cooked or grilled most of the nutriens get lost and the food is basically dead. Most of the foods get so overheated that they are nothing more but liveless cellulose.
2. Enzymes
Also natural enzymes which are good for your blood and digestion get lost when heated and processed too much.
3. High Energy
Eating raw foods will boost your energy level incredibly. In fact you won't feel so tired, more active and a live and getting through the day will be no torture anymore.
4. Better sleep, better mornings
When eating only raw foods, your body isn't so busy with digesting all the stuff you ate before. It feels lightweight and relaxed, therefore you are autimatically going to sleep better. Also you are going to wake up full of energy as your body wasn't busy with working off unhealthy fats and sugars like it usually was.
5. You can eat as much as you want
Even if you ate 5 watermelons you won't gain any weight. You can eat as much as you want without being scared of extra pounds. There are no fats, sugars or toxines that will make you put them on. Frutis are naturally sweets and sooo delicious. Even after filling your tummy you won't feel tired or done, in fact you will feel energized and notice how happy your body is to receive so many great nutrients.
6. Beautiful, Glowing Appearance
Life, weather, stress, unbalanced emotions, and toxicities found in cooked foods all add to a worn and aging appearance. Consuming raw foods counterbalances these adverse effects and allowing the body to release its natural glow. Why spend thousands of dollars a year on lotions and potions that promise to keep you beautiful when you can nourish your beauty from the inside out with a raw diet.
7. Weight loss
After you detoxed your body and only nuture your body perfectly healthy foods. Your body of course changes with that new diet. Also your motivation increases that's why excersising is way more fun than it was before.
Going raw is a complete challenge for me for like so many I am used to cooked foods. On one hand why not? Eating raw is probably the easiest way of getting your meal together. The most effort probably lies in cutting or mixing the goods. Also there is a great variety of recipes from shakes and smoothies up to a great variety of salads and dips. Like with every radical change in nutrition I believe that this one is a step by step process. This is why I for me am not going to go completely raw for now but will eat more raw than cooked to see how my body reacts on it. If it reacts well I may play with the thought of going completely raw. There are still foods though which I don't want to eat completely raw like Sweet potato which is so great in fibre, Tofu and Rice aswell as green beans. Whole grain bread will be in the diet too. I will see how that works for me and of course report you on how everything goes :)
Samstag, 18. Juni 2011
BeautyLove - Pantene Pro-V Spa Sleek and shine
Sitting at home watching Tv the Pantene spot never really caught my eye for almost every hair care brand kind of mentioned that customers "thought it was just like a luxury hair care product". Just a week ago when I checked out Fleur's blog where she wrote about her good opinions on this range, I thought I would give it a try. As many I went through many products in the endless search for some that would repair my damaged hair, making it shiny, healthy and nice. I didn't want to spend major dollars though, because I wanted something that once I'm out of it will still be affordable.
So I went to the store and got the sleek & shine spa line for a great bargain of 1.39€ instead of 3.89€ (Which is 1.98$ instead of 5$). I bought the shampoo (which came in a set together with two samplers holding the conditioner and mask) and the conditioner.
At home I immediately tried the products and have to say I was really impressed. Of course they smelled nice because that's what Pantene products usually do. But the Spa range was not like every of the previous ones heavying down my hear or overnourishing it. Especially the conditioner is very lightweight, still you have to wash it out properly and longer than other conditioners. When dry my hair didn't only smell divine it also looked really shiny and healthy. The ends where still kind of frizzy though, so I tried it again the next day and when my hair was dry it was so shiny, healthy and soft that I couldn't believe my eyes and hands.
I definately, highly recommend this product and love the new face of Pantene! Great product for a great price - definately worth a buy :)
xo Cory
Montag, 13. Juni 2011
Sonntag, 12. Juni 2011
BeautyLove - Giovanni Cool Mint Lemonade Salt Scrub (with Crushed Mint Leaves)
After one of my friends returned from her trip to New York, she introduced me to the Giovanni Cool Mint Lemonade Salt Scrub which was one of her fabulous finds. She let me try it out and I tell you this scrub is just amazing! It smells a lot like lemon and mint (though the lemon smell is a bit stronger). Actually it smells just like a freshly made Mojito! Rubbing it onto your skin it doesn't feel too rough nor too soft, and after washing the scrub off it leaves the skin smooth and refreshed. Also my skin looked very circulated and healthy. With 15 $ it's more on the expensive side but it's definately worth the money. A great product for summer!
xo Cory
Samstag, 11. Juni 2011
ChallengeLove - Day 01 - 5 things that sum you up as a person
Freedom & Ease - I barely put myself under pressure and try to stay as calm and easy as possible in all situations. I barely stress myself over things and if I do I try to calm myself down again.
Happiness - I live my life with fun and joy everyday and try to stay as happy as possible. If something gets me down I try to see the positive side of it & try to appreciate rather than complaining.
Reason - I am pretty practical in almost everything I do. I calculate and overthink things and nothing is supposed to hapen without a reason. I try to bring that into almost everything I do. Which is maybe a weak point of mine.
Love - I am a very loving person, even though I'm sometimes complicated and critical I try to love as much as I can. I close people into my heart very easily and treat everyone the nice. Friends & Family are very important to me.
Gratitude - Everyday I try to be as grateful as possible for all the beauty & posperity in my life. I have enough food to eat, a loving family and enough money to buy myself all of these beautiful things whereas in other countries there are so many people who don't even have water to drink. So it is important to me to appreciate what I have instead of missing what is not there.
Happiness - I live my life with fun and joy everyday and try to stay as happy as possible. If something gets me down I try to see the positive side of it & try to appreciate rather than complaining.
Reason - I am pretty practical in almost everything I do. I calculate and overthink things and nothing is supposed to hapen without a reason. I try to bring that into almost everything I do. Which is maybe a weak point of mine.
Love - I am a very loving person, even though I'm sometimes complicated and critical I try to love as much as I can. I close people into my heart very easily and treat everyone the nice. Friends & Family are very important to me.
Gratitude - Everyday I try to be as grateful as possible for all the beauty & posperity in my life. I have enough food to eat, a loving family and enough money to buy myself all of these beautiful things whereas in other countries there are so many people who don't even have water to drink. So it is important to me to appreciate what I have instead of missing what is not there.
Freitag, 10. Juni 2011
ChallengeLove - 15 Day Challenge
- 5 things that sum you up as a person.
- Things you are grateful for
- How you do your hair/make up
- 5 all time favourite Products
- 5 Things that make you happy
- A habit you can’t stop.
- How you hope your future will be like
- Something that’s currently in the news, and your opinion on it.
- A quote.
- Signs you are into somebody
- Signs you are not into somebody
- Write the first 20 songs that come up on your ipod (on shuffle).
- 5 Turn on's and off's
- Thoughts currently in your head.
- 5 ways to win your heart
BeautyLove - Painting it up in June
So, summer has started and it's all about fresh, gorgeous colours. I came across a few I am planning to buy and here are my favourite top buys for this month!
Essie - Coral Carousel is a nice corally pink colour that is a great classic for summer. You can wear it to every occasion really and it matches with almost everything. (around 8$ and 12€)
Essie - Catwalk is a really nice rasperry-esque colour, that is not only very classy, but also very versatile. Again you can wear this colour too to almost any occasion. A great buy for not only summer, but also for all the other seasons!
Essie - Mint Candy Apple is one of the examples why minty colours cause such a hype this year. I think this is a very gorgeous pick. It's not too green nor too blue. It's pretty much the perfect mint you want for your nails.
China Glaze - For Audrey caught my eye a few days ago! Being an Audrey Hepburn fan I am so in love with Breakfast at Tiffany's and I swear! This nailpolish is exactly "Tiffany blue", the signature colour of Tiffany's! I took a swatch picture I found t show you how it looks when wearing it because it doesn't show very well on the bottle pictures.
O.P.I - Y'all come back for me ya hear is a super gorgeous orange colour! Being on the constant search for a good orange nail polish that is not too red nor too yellow I came across this and of course O.P.I got the perfect shade!
O.P.I - DS Radiance just left me amazed! It's quite and unsual colour and not that wearable for daytime, but going out I would definately wear it! What shocked me was that the colour looks on your nails exactly like it does on this picure. It's a dense sparkly silver colour, but not cheap silver. It's rich and elegant actually. A great colour for going out with your girls or to a formal event. Fits perfectly with the little black dress.
Hope I could give you some nice picks!
xo Cory :)
Essie - Coral Carousel is a nice corally pink colour that is a great classic for summer. You can wear it to every occasion really and it matches with almost everything. (around 8$ and 12€)
Essie - Catwalk is a really nice rasperry-esque colour, that is not only very classy, but also very versatile. Again you can wear this colour too to almost any occasion. A great buy for not only summer, but also for all the other seasons!
Essie - Mint Candy Apple is one of the examples why minty colours cause such a hype this year. I think this is a very gorgeous pick. It's not too green nor too blue. It's pretty much the perfect mint you want for your nails.
China Glaze - For Audrey caught my eye a few days ago! Being an Audrey Hepburn fan I am so in love with Breakfast at Tiffany's and I swear! This nailpolish is exactly "Tiffany blue", the signature colour of Tiffany's! I took a swatch picture I found t show you how it looks when wearing it because it doesn't show very well on the bottle pictures.
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O.P.I - Y'all come back for me ya hear is a super gorgeous orange colour! Being on the constant search for a good orange nail polish that is not too red nor too yellow I came across this and of course O.P.I got the perfect shade!
O.P.I - DS Radiance just left me amazed! It's quite and unsual colour and not that wearable for daytime, but going out I would definately wear it! What shocked me was that the colour looks on your nails exactly like it does on this picure. It's a dense sparkly silver colour, but not cheap silver. It's rich and elegant actually. A great colour for going out with your girls or to a formal event. Fits perfectly with the little black dress.
Hope I could give you some nice picks!
xo Cory :)
Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011
Dear readers all across the world!!

This post goes out to everybody reading this blog and with this I want to give you my special thank's. I checked the blogspot statistics and can't believe people spread all across the world read my blog! You guys are amazing and I hope you like what I do :) Much love to each and everyone reading this!
xo Cory
BeautyLove - How I found my potential signature smell!
Strolling around my favourite mall I tried different fragrances and the Mexx Magnetic didn't really hit me before but one of my friends recommended it to me. She knows that I am quite picky when it comes to fragrances and of my endless search for a signature scent. I always wanted to find a scent that enhances my personality. So I hit the store and searched for the fragrance which happened to be this simple bottle in a simple white box. I liked it though because I love carrying perfume around with me in my purse and when the bottle has all kinds of odds and ends I'm always scared to break something off. So I took it and sprayed the perfume onto my arm directly after sniffing from the bottle to leave it on for the day. Directly after I sprayed it on this stingy citrus like scent hit my nose like a big yellow school bus. It smelled like a low class deodorant and I was more than dissapointed. Also I was questioning my personality after my friend after all told me this scent was totally me...
So I left it on and went away in disgust. But when I arrived home I don't remember for what reason wiped my forehead and this gorgeous smell hit my nose. I was a bit startled but totally positively surprised. I literally started sniffing my arm up and down because the smell was amazing! This was exactly what I was looking for. The scent is very soft, clean and feminine. Also it is warm and 'pretty' if that makes sense. It smells absolutely gorgeous and for 16 bucks it's quite on the cheap side! I am amazed that a fragrance of this price range can smell so good and last so long! Definately a great product! Thank's to Mexx in Netherlands who created this great scent! It's definately one of my favourite scents this summer and who knows, maybe this will stay my favourite.What's your signature scent??
xo Cory
KitchenLove - Breezy Blueberry Smoothie
Refreshing, healthy & DE-LICIOUS! Nothing rocks summer more than a yummy glass full of vitamins. So that's why I like to share this yummy Blueberry Smoothie recipe with you guys. It is super easy to make and you can vary the ingredients however you like! Get creative and pour yourself a glass of healthy lusciousness!
Breezy Blueberry
Blueberries 1/2 cup (frozen)
Banana 1 (frozen)
3/4 c plain yoghurt
1/8 c cream
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 cup whole milk
pinch vanilla powder
pinch cinnamon
Put everything together into a blender and mix until smooth! If your fruits aren't frozen, just add a cup of ice. :)
Enjoy! xo Cory
BeautyLove - Neutrogena Spot Stress Control scrub vs. Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Scrub
During one of my afternoon drugstore visits with eyes wide open for new products or fabulous finds I came across the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit range. It's been around for quite a while now and for some reason I never wanted to buy it. But now that my Neautrogena Visibly Clear spot stress control slowly comes to an ending, I thought, 'Hey let's give it a try'. So I took the Daily Scrub home with me and payed about 6 € which is alright and a real bargain when it comes to good beauty products. Back at home I immediately tied it out and to my surprise the texture was way more runny than the Spot stress control scrub. Also, although it smells quite nice when sniffing from the bottle, rubbing it on your face to me, it smells alot like dishwashing liquid. I was alert and afraid it would be too agressive on my skin which is spoiled and usually pampered by natural biological Products like Nonique or the light and soft Spot Stress Control scrub. As I washed it off my face my skin didn't feel very soft and kind of firm and dry. I immediately rescued it with the soft Spot Stress Control Scrub which seemed to have a better effect on my skin after I used the Pink Grapefrut scrub. So it may not be the best if used by itself, but in combination with other softer products it's really good. Stil, if you have very sensitive skin, this scrub may be not for you, but the washing cream the line stocks too, may be a great alternative. Using it for a few days now in combination with the Spot stress control scrub and my Nonique Tropical biological washing cream I found my skin to be way clearer and more alive than before I used the scrub in addition.
In comparison with the Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Scrub, the Visibly Clear Spot Stress Control Scrub is way lighter and smells more decent and in my opinion so much nicer. It smells a lot like Cucumber and also a bit like Aloe Vera. While the PG scrub is consisting of a pink gel with thousands of pink little peads that foam up the gel on your face, the SSC scrub is consisting of a creamy texture with not as many beads but enough to massage your face and clear out any old skin, impurities and dirt from your pores. When washing it off your skin feels fresh, looks bright and feels incredibly soft. It leaves your skin firm, but not dry.
Honestly, I for me prefer de Spot Stress Control scrub, because it's so much more suitable for my skin type which I would describe as normal. The Pink Grapefruit Scrub is probably suitable for people with oily skin and normal skin but I don't think it would do well on dry or sensitive skin. I hope my review gave you a little insight.
I would love to know about your Neutrogena experiences and what scrubs tickle your skin to the best!
xo Cory
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